Friday, July 12, 2024



Dear Democratic Party Leadership,

What the hell are you doing? Clearly there's something going that we can't see but maybe you shouldn't be dragging that sh*t out in public. 

If the Democratic Party unified and came out swinging this election would/should be a cake walk. You should be able to run ANY walking, talking, not corrupt candidate and win but here we are, publicly eating our own. ALL YOU'RE DOING IS DEMORALIZING THE BASE. 

You don't have a lot of options BTW -

1. Run Biden, back Biden fully and cross your fingers.

2. Run Harris at the top of the ticket and see if she can fend off the misogyny and racism that plague this country. She ought to be able to, she's an incredibly qualified candidate. Fingers crossed. 

3. Release the delegates from their commitments. (Get knocked off the ballot in Ohio BTW). Have a contested convention and hope it goes better than 1968. Fingers crossed. 

4. Run both Harris and Biden as if they were the primary candidate and keep them both on the ticket. 

I think number 4. is your best option BUT JUST PICK ONE. Whatever else you need to do you need to get it together. 


WE ARE BEGGING YOU TO STOP THIS CRAP. Your constituents are getting mad at the party. Why don't you see this?

I will literally support any Democrat who's not a horror show equal to Trump.  

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

An Open Letter to Biden/Harris (How to break the Witches' Hammer)


woodcut of a witch burning

Dear Biden/Harris campaign, What are you doing?

I suspect that Joe's debate coaches urged him not to appear too amped up, to be calm and reasoned… that didn't play out so well. To echo Jon Stewart's advice, give him all the performance enhancing drugs. He should've never been allowed to go out there hoarse. You should've told people ahead of time he had a cold. You should've blood-doped him. You should've given him adrenaline. You should've done all the things… but here we are. In the next debate you really need to take George Conway's advice and go in punching.

Why are you letting this current narrative run away from you? Joe acknowledging his age and its impact is good but what else? 

A long time ago someone figured out that we needed a built-in back- up plan, and that back-up plan is the vice president.

Here's some unsolicited advice: make sure his surrogates hit hard on the fact that Kamala Harris is the vice president, that she's competent, experienced, and already on the ticket. 

It's so disrespectful, and maybe not unexpected, that a woman as capable and with as much experience as Kamala Harris is being overlooked in the current fantasy scenarios being spun around the “ditch Biden for some unnamed perfect candidate call.” The Biden/Harris campaign needs to put Kamala Harris out there more and with the opportunity to give policy speeches and to demonstrate her fitness to lead. Have her give presidential-style speeches. Treat both candidates on the ticket as if they're running for president, because they are. Make sure the surrogates hammer home that, unlike the former Trump Administration, this administration is a team of “all the best people.” Run them all.  

To everyone else…apparently as a nation we don't understand politics. In order to govern there must be coalitions. If it's an all or nothing scenario then you get the kind of gridlock we've been seeing in Congress for years and you have Hillary defeated because you just don’t like her. She won the popular vote by-the-way. There is no perfect candidate. The opposition wants you to feel dissatisfied with the options on the table and disincentivize to vote. Let us be clear we have one of the most competent administrations in the history of the United States but more importantly, they're not a bunch of psychopaths.They don't want to turn us into a theocracy. By the way there have been theocracies in western culture, they tortured heretics, they held trials for witchcraft, and they burned women.