The following is from an email I received from Lyz Bly, a Cleveland area writer and gallery director of BK Smith Gallery… (only slightly abridged and appearing with her permission)…
Dear Friends, Family, and Colleagues,
…an article … appeared in last week's edition of the Lakewood Sun Post. My son Gabe and I were interviewed by editor Brian Horn after we sent a letter to the superintendent of Lakewood City Schools asking that Gabe's name be removed from a military recruitment list that is being generated at almost all public schools across the country. Gabe and I will also appear on Channel 8 FOX News (Cleveland) discussing this important issue (according the the reporter, there is an "80% chance the story will air tonight" -- Tuesday, Oct. 18 -- at 5:00 or 6:00 p.m.).
As part of the Bush Administration's "No Child Left Behind" "education" policy, all schools that receive federal funding *must* submit students' personal information (including names, addresses, email addresses, cell phone numbers, race/ethnicity, social security numbers, extracurricular activities, and areas of study) to the Pentagon. The Pentagon is compiling an illegal database of 30 million 16-25 year-olds (young men *and* young women). Schools that do not submit this information lose their federal funding. To learn more, visit, where you can print a letter to your school's superintendent, print flyers, and learn how to subvert this clandestinely created system of information gathering, which will ultimately make military recruiters jobs much easier -- and it could be used if the draft is reinstated.
Please make the teenagers and parents of friends and family aware that they the only way their/their children's names will be removed from this list is if they send a letter requesting that their school administrator remove them from the list. Details are described in the attached article, at the "leave my child alone" web site, and will be explained (to some degree -- who knows how much of the interview will be edited!) on the channel 8 news interview.
Thanks for spreading the word re. this important issue.
I had no idea and very scary indeed. Preying on our children. Is there nothing sacred left in our society. Anything goes and we just, well we just keep on keeping on, oblivious to the blows we are being struck with each day. Incredible! Thank you for an educational and informative article and thanks also for visiting and commenting at Words Light Fires I look forward to reading here again.
I will forward on...
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