Wednesday, April 12, 2006

one more time...

...and with feeling


You and I have fundamental disagreements that cannot be reconciled...

I am infinitely concerned with the ethics of government. I find a particular evil to government by pragmatism. It fails to recognize what makes us human... It prevents us from becoming "the angels of our better natures"...

...but in a world ruled by pragmatism... why should we protect the innocent? (Culture of Life) Does that serve our best interests? The people of Darfur... are they more guilty? If we're concerned about threats, what about Korea?

"Meanwhile, I would like to note that you never seem to engage the central themes of my critiques… notably the conflation of Christianity with political and economic agendas. That Bush, and many other politicians, continually proclaim their religious devotion… yet their actions and their policies seem out of line with what they say they believe."

You know really... What would Jesus do?


Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...


He'd have never voted for Bush. :>/

laney2217 said...

let's face it... Jesus, and most of the early Christians, were, shall we say... to the left...

thanks for the post poetryman...

Russ said...

You and I have fundamental disagreements that cannot be reconciled...

And it's THAT attitude young lady that will keep this country divided.